Looking to the future in Adams County

Historically, Adams County was productive and prosperous. It can be again!

As your county commissioner, I will advocate for a more thoughtful and beneficial approach to forest and wildfire management—to include thinning projects for the reduction in ladder fuels and the promotion of harvesting of timber for the renewed prosperity this industry provides.

In addition to the higher paying jobs we can create, I would seek out businesses that might be interested in relocating to Adams County. A friendly business climate encourages growth and provides for a viable and diverse economic base.

Private property rights protection, overseeing air quality standards via monitoring prescribed burns, and curtailing the aggressive and unnecessary closure of our roads are just a few of the additional ways through which I plan to help our communities.

An increase in revenue, through a thoughtful and measured approach to getting Adams County thriving again, will result in an increased ability to focus on improvements to our schools and roads.

Our economy will be built on stability—I will promote what has worked in the past and usher in what is poised for future growth in Idaho.

I will work hard each-and-every day to help our county—to bring back jobs, give hope to business owners, allow the American dream to be achieved, and help to foster opportunity and the joy that comes with individual success. I will support projects for healthy forests and recreational access to our lands, so our county can become the premier destination for families and visitors once again.

We did it right before, we can do it again!

Help me restore Adams County to productivity and prosperity. Vote Viki Purdy for Adams County Commissioner on November 6, 2018.

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